David Ellis

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David is passionate about helping small businesses grow by understanding their unique needs and finding practical solutions. David is a qualified accountant (FCMA), held multiple FD roles including Bunzl plc, Gulf & Western and Fujitsu and also a former Associate Director at PWC consulting.

In his free time, David enjoys learning languages -currently improving his Spanish- and delving into his family tree, where he’s constantly discovering something new. A fun fact about David is that he once sailed around Britain clockwise on a yacht, spending 11 weeks navigating all kinds of British weather.

His approach to life and work is simple yet effective: use your time wisely and always keep learning. His best work comes when clients and Cloud Finance challenge and explore ideas together. His advice for clients? View the relationship as a partnership, be clear about your goals, and trust us to provide best practices and smart technologies to optimise your finance function.